Guide to INHA Summer School Program (Incheon, South Korea)

I almost forgot to post about this! Actually I want to post the details how I joined this summer program, but.. Okay lemme just tell you how to join. At first I knew this from twitter, and I'm drooled because of the affordable fee! I joined 2013 INHA Summer School and it cost $680 = around 8,095,238 rupiahs ($1 = 11,900 Rupiah) but when I joined that the currency is about 9.500 so I paid about 6,460,000 Rupiahs :P

How to join?
  1. Open and there's "Quick Menu" on the right side, you might click "APPLY".
  2. The application period usually starts at the end of February.
  3. If you want the details of their schedule, you have to download their SUMMER SCHOOL brochure and poster. You might find the exact information of the program, including the course.
  4. SEE THE PICT BELOW. The red circle is the main part if you want to join the program.
  5. After you sent the application, just wait for about a week, then they'll send an email to you about the payment.

For 2014 INHA Summer School, it cost a lot higher than last year O.o There's early bird option (payment before April 20th 2014) $880, meanwhile the regular one is $980, if your university is a partner with INHA, then you got $50 discount! For more information please refer to their brochure, okay.. hahaha.

  1. Do I have to send my transcript, passport copies, etc for applying?
    NO, on their application form you just have to fill your identity (nationality, birth date, etc), your passport number, course that you want to join, and your home university's International affair information (name, phone, email, address).

  2. For the payment, it must be paid from HANA BANK only?
    NO, you can pay the fee from all kind of Bank. Just said that you want to send the money overseas, they'll help you to get the form. Fill the form according to the details that INHA has informed you:
    Bank : Hana Bank
    Swift Code: HNBNKRSE
    Branch Name: Inha University Branch
    Bank Address: 101-1 Euljiro 1-ga, Seoul, Korea
    Bank Telephone: +82-2-2002-1111
    Account No. 748-910004-12232

    I paid it from BCA, it also cost the tax/charge if you want to send money overseas. I forgot the amount, I think it's about $11? If you didn't pay the charge, the amount of money you sent might be cut. Example: you send exact $980, but in Korea, they might receive only $970, then you must pay the rest while you're arrived in Korea (INHA).

    If you still want to pay it from HANA BANK, I've been to Hana too. They said I must open an account first, then transfer my money to INHA. But, if you just want to use it once (the account), then you must close it right? If you want to close the account, you must spare some amount of money inside that account and can't be used by you. They also said, "We afraid it'll cost higher that you paid it from the local bank, I suggest you to pay it from local bank rather than opening an account for this." So, it's up to you people! ;)

  3. The fees is including the tuition and dorm (accommodation) right?
    YES! Also including the breakfast and dinner! They will inform you the time when you can get your breakfast and dinner. Don't be late guys! They close on time! The accommodation it self is a dorm. Each room has 4 beds with the desk and cupboard under your bed. You'll have 3 new friends in your room :) 

  4. Airplane fee and VISA thing?
    You must buy your own ticket and make the VISA by your own too. It's pretty simple. I bought Air Asia (roundtrip) and it cost about 7,000,000 Rupiahs. Maybe if you booked it sooner, the cheaper price you got. The VISA it self cost 300,000 Rupiahs.

  5. Cost estimation for the program?
    I can't give you the exact estimation because everyone has their own itinerary. Just add the Summer School fee ($880) + Plane ($588) + VISA ($25,2) + Shopping etc ($840 = Rp 10,000,000). I also extend my visit, 3 days, it cost me more because I must pay for the hostel (but I've include it in Shopping, etc). I still have around 300,000 Won (around Rp 3,000,000)at the end of my trip. So, you can manage it wisely right? :)

  6. How about the living cost?
    Transportation of course. We always use BUS and Train (Subway). It cost 300 Won - 2,000 Won (from INHA, Incheon - to Seoul). It depends on how far did you going. They use T-Money, buy T-Money at the airport (3,000Won = still empty card) then you must fill it.

    The food is about 3,000 Won - 7,000 Won. For street food, kimbab usually it costs 3,000 Won. Jajangmyun, bibimbap is about 7,000 Won. Naengmyeon (Cold Noodle) is about 4,000 Won. Korean BBQ? It's about 11,000 Won. Fast food? Lotteria? Around 6,000 Won - 8,000 Won. Patbingsu (Red bean ice) is about 5,000 Won - 8,000 Won. You might also buy several snacks, food, and drink at their mini mart, cost about 600 Won - 2,000 Won.

Do you have any questions regarding this?? Lemme know! Maybe I can help you ;) Just leave it on the comment section below.


  1. halo aku mau nanya dong hehe
    kl misalkan kt berangkat sendiri gitu kan berarti nyampe nya sehari sebelumnya.. itu kt udh bs nginep di dormnya apa kt ngurusin sendiri lg? dan berarti dateng ke inha nya sendiri2 ya ga di jemput? hehe

    1. Iya berangkat emg sendiri2.. biasa kan di kasi tau "Arrival"nya dari INHA kapan, nah dihari itu mereka bakal sediain bus jemput di bandara trus brgkt bareng2 ke INHAnya . Waktu itu aku jadwal dr INHA Arrival dateny tgl 4 Agst, tapi aku udh di Korea dari tgl 3 Agst, jadi aku hrs nginep dulu di guest house soalny belom boleh msk dorm (dorm dibuka wakti Arrival date sesuai jadwal dari INHA). Jadi baru bisa msk dorm tgl 4nya.

    2. Hai! Namaku dania. Kamu rencana ikut summer school tahun inikah? Aku bakal ikut summer school inha tahun ini dan lagi cari cari temen yg sesama dari indo. Ada kontak yang bisa dihubungi? Maybe twitter facebook or kakaotalk? Makasih sebelumnya, salam kenal :)

  2. hai vanessaa.
    aku mau nanya dong, aku udah liat jadwal kegiatannya. kalo weekend itu kan kosong, nah kita boleh jalan2 sendiri sama temen2 ngga?kalo ke seoul boleh ngga soalnya kan lumayan jauhh

    1. boleh banget hahaha.. bebas kok itu. Bahkan tiap hari kan selesai jam 4, habis itu aku biasanya langsung ke Seoul :) 1 jam naik subwaynya.

  3. hi vanessa..aku mau tanya dong,,kamu ikut summer school tahun 2014 ini??kalo iya kebetulan aku juga,,hehe lagi cari2 temen dari indonesia nih..maklum aku berangkat sendiri,
    oya tanya lg dong,km sma siapa join summer school ini?boleh barengan ngga?hehe

    1. kamu berangkat tahun ini? aku jugaa rencananya mau... yuli (eh panggilnya apa nih? yuli?haha) punya akun kakao/semacamnya? kalo ada boleh minta gak? pengen ngobrol hehe :)

    2. Hai yuli dan minoshi! Aku dania dan kebetulan lagi cari temen untuk ikut summer di inha~ boleh aku minta facebook twitter atau katalk maybe? Aku lagi cari temen sesama dari indonesia buat summer, dan kebetulan juga aku cuma ber2 sama temenku, hitung2 nambah temen biar rame :)

  4. Hi Vanessa.. Sori mau nanya.. Aku agak ga ngerti soal pembayaran..
    Kalau misal aku mau transfer lewat BCA, boleh berupa rupiah atau harus diubah jadi dolar??
    Ud gitu bisa berupa tunai ga?? (jd ga lewat debit)..
    Thank you ya....

    1. Kamu dateng aja ke kantor BCA, bilang mau kirim uang ke luar negri. Nanti dikasi formnya. Terserah kamu mau dateng udah bawa dollar atau kamu ambil dari uang tabungan yg ada di BCA. Bisa kok bayar tunai, ya itu td yg aku bilang.. kamu bisa langsung bawa dollar ke BCA. (siapa tau pas tuker di money changer tuker dollar lbh murah kan?)

  5. Vanessa, aku mau tanya. kamu bayar visanya gimana? langsung dateng ke kedutaan korea di jakarta gitu? trus kamu kemaren nginep di guest house mana? soalnya aku juga berangkat sendiri dan berangkatnya sebelum tanggal "arrival"nya. temen2 yang berangkat sendiri dan mau cari teman boleh line aku "tikandhini" atau email makasih yaa Vanessa :D

    1. Buat bikin dan bayar visa, kamu langsung ke kedutaan Korsel aja.. gampang kok bikinnya. Asal dokumen lengkap, pasti jadi.

      Aku waktu sebelum INHA, nginepnya di daerah Incheon, deket sama airportnya. Soalnya besokannya kan aku balik lagi ke airport buat dijemput sama pihak INHA. Nama guesthouseny gogohouse. Kamu bisa search kok guesthouse di sana buanyak bgt. Kalo setelah INHA, aku nginep di Seoul, di daerah Hongdae. Disitu jg byk guesthouse. Aku nginep di Kimchee Guesthouse.

      Kalo mau cari guesthouse, kamu coba aja buka google map, trus ketik guesthouse incheon/hongdae/daerah yg kamu pengen, nanti bakal muncul banyak. :)

    2. oh gitu. masalahnya aku gak tinggal di Jakarta, tinggal di Samarinda huhu :( btw thanks yaa saran2nya :D

    3. oooh.. klo gtu cb kamu urus visa ke tour2 gitu aja.. biar skalian mrk yg urus.. :)

  6. Hi. For this Summer School program it takes how long period? 3months? 1 months? And is it basically what subject we take? Is it anyone can join this program? Or just college student ?

    1. Hi there! I hope this reply reach you well.

      This summer school program takes almost a month. Uhm.. 3 weeks exactly. For the subject, you can choose on your own :) Only the college student who's eligible to apply, no matter your age, but you must be an active college student. Because the invitation letter will be sent to your university :)

  7. hi aku mau tanya ttg bagian ini nihh ...

    Do I have to send my transcript, passport copies, etc for applying?
    NO, on their application form you just have to fill your identity (nationality, birth date, etc), your passport number, course that you want to join, and your home university's International affair information (name, phone, email, address).

    di hompegae mereka ada ketentuan harus ngirim transkrip sebelum tgl yg ditentukan trs gmn yah itu

    1. Oh? Mgkn ketentuan yg baru kayak begitu ya. Ada screencapnya? Soalny aku ga bisa liat, harus daftar dulu :( Kalau tahun 2013, aku ga perlu kasi fotokopi transkrip, paspor, dll... Kalau memang diminta, berarti ya minta aja ke bagian administrasi kampus untuk keperluan summer school.

    2. bisa minta alamat emailnya ga, makasih :))

    3. omg sooo sorry bukanya lama. Kalo masih mau tanya email ke aja :)

  8. Anonymous01 July, 2016

    Halo, kak. Mau tanya, waktu apply visa dulu kakak menyertakan invitation letter dari Inha nya boleh yang berupa scanned-annya atau harus asli ya? Thank you for your info. :)

    1. Waktu itu karena peserta dr kampusku cm 2 org, jd invitation letter dikirim dari Inha dlm bentuk scan-an ke emailku. Aku tinggal print aja dan kasi untuk apply visa. Bisa kok dr scan.. Jangan lupa kasi juga fotokopi bukti pembayaran summer schoolnya utk visa.


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