Guide To Mouse Rabbit (Yesung's Cafe) in Konkuk Area

Yohooo! I'm gonna share how to go to Yesung's Cafe, "Mouse Rabbit". It's not that difficult to find it. Check it out:

1. Take the subway to KONKUK UNIV. STATION / KONDAE STATION. Take EXIT 2.

2. Then right after you exit, you might see ANGEL IN US Cafe on your left. Then turn left on that cafe.

3. GO STRAIGHT. The road is on your right.

4. You might see tons of street food on your right.

 5.  And Dunkin Donuts, Baskin Robin, ETUDE, Body Shop on your left.

6. If you found a store named "SAMSUNG MOBILE", turn right in front of the store (see pict).

7. Then go straight in that alley.

8. TADAH! You've arrived! Mouse Rabbit is on  your right ;)

I visited Mouse Rabbit at 8PM on August 17th 2013. I don't know if Yesung is still there right now. But if you want to meet him, you have to visit around that time (because he visits at night). In the cafe, there are Yesung's mom and brother, Jongjin. Jongjin is in charge of making the order while his mom usually walking around and talking to visitors. The price is.. yaah.. just as usual.. about 4,000-6,000 won for each cup. I ordered Goguma Latte and it's making me full lol. But it's delicious, you won't find any Goguma Latte anywhere right? haha. Right after Yesung came, I ordered another drink lol. He's the one who's taking our order. His face is somewhat like.. blank.. when I ordered and even he forgot to give me the change =_=  He was like.. /stop for a sec../ "oh! here..". 

Well idk about the cake's price because it's my friend who ordered it lol.

Any questions? Comment bellow and don't forget to give your email/twitter so I can help you faster! :3
