Overall, the set list is all the same, except when the members start to sing "Pelangi Pelangi" and Indonesian kid song. We all singing along with them playfully lol. I love how they speak English and Indonesian during the concert, but to be honest, it's all scripted. Because I can see they read those script on the screen /sigh/. I expected them to talk in Korean because it's more honest from their mind and heart, not scripted like that. There is also a difference here. Instead threw the signed paper planes like in Seoul and Hongkong, they threw teddy bear phone strap.
And guess what, I GOT ONE WHICH MYUNGSOO THREW and my sister got his biases' SUNGGYU! LOL. A bit regret that I didn't bring my DSLR with me, but I also thankful because I enjoyed the show A LOT!
I saw many fansites in my section. Hogam, Lkimfan, Honeytree, and I forgot the rest lol but at least about 7 fansites in my section and idk about the left side. Because I stood beside Hogam, Hoya always look at my place lol. Woohyun also bend his body in front of me. The unforgettable part is, when the concert was coming to and end, we all raised the "TERIMA KASIH INFINITE" handbanner (means: Thank You INFINITE). I raised my handbanner and want to show it to Sunggyu (because he's right in front of me). I raised it high and Sunggyu read it for sure, then using my left hand which I got so many things to carry, I waved to him.
The most shocking part.. HE NODDED HIS HEAD AND SMILE TO ME.. GAAAH I'M DYING. I can't even scream, I just standing still, looking at his happy face, meanwhile other fans beside and behind me is screaming like crazy because Sunggyu smile directly to my place.
Everything went well, I saw soooo many Myungyeol moments and I totally love it. Myungsoo as expected, he's incredibly handsome. NO, INFINITE members ARE handsome! I love how Dongwoo always excitedly dancing around "Yeah, two times baby!" yes, INFINITE has come to Indonesia 2 times, one for Music Bank, and this one is for their solo concert. I also remember how Sungjong speech in English just like Miss Universe who's talking about her vision and mission lol, then the other member watch it on the big screen behind and laugh at him. Myungsoo even said "Mantap!" (jjang!!) several times. The birthday surprise is a big success! They enjoyed it a lot and even play with the chocolate cake. Myungsoo told Woohyun to pour water to Sungyeol lol.
Well, that's about the concert. How about the queue? the INSPIRIT? THEY'RE AWESOME! I told you! INDONESIA INSPIRIT IS THE BEST! We're all queuing tidily, no pushing, no shouting! This is the best queue ever for concert! I'm proud being a part of this Pearl Metal Gold fandom!
So, overall for this concert I give... 9/10 ! Why it's not 10? The sound system seems a bit lacking. The music was too loud and I can barely hear INFINITE's voice. That's all ;)
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