Yaiy ! Finally after 3 years just using that standard lens from Canon (EFS 18-55mm), I got my new TELE-MACRO lens ! *super happy. I bought my SLR, Canon EOS 450D 3 years ago (I never thought it has been 3 years O.O) with KIT (it's Canon EFS 18-55mm, standard lens). I always get difficulties when I want to take long shoot. I can't take a photo farther. This year, after begging and asking so much question to my dad, I get my long lens. My dad bought me the new one, he said, if I want and need it, why not? Just buy it then.
So, I bought TAMRON AF 70-300mm. It's semi TELE and Macro at the same time. It cost 1,350,000 rupiahs the cheapest Tele, I guess. I've read so many comments, reviews, critiques about this lens. I think it suits me well, I'm just college student and I don't have to buy those ten million lens right? Here's some photos of it. Taken with my blackberry haha.
Look, how big is the lens compared to the Camera O.o |
I got the lens hood too, but I think I'm not going to used it often |
And now I'm looking for new CAMERA BAG !!! My camera bag can't handle both lenses !!! OMO. It just fit for 1 camera + 1 lens -____- I need bigger one and also new camera ! I think I want to trade my old camera with the new one. I want Canon EOS 60D, newer and better than mine of course. I asked the shop owner about trading my camera, he said my camera maybe will be 3million rupiahs, so I have to add 4million rupiahs to buy 60D O.o Aargh, somebody give me the money !!
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